The spark of resistance in them is all too easily crushed. 他们的那点儿反抗表示不费吹灰之力就被扑灭了。
As compared with other electric spark ignition units, the plasma ignition system features high electric discharge energy, dirt resistance, and particularly a combustion intensification function during ignition. 等离子点火器与电火花点火器相比,具有放电能量大,耐污垢的优点,特别是点火的同时对燃烧具有强化作用。
The methods of ceramic cap and pin insulator monitoring such as spark gap detecting voltage distribution testing, insulation resistance measurement, aerosurveying and ground surveying were reviewed. 讨论了检测盘形悬式瓷绝缘子的火花间隙法、电压分布法、测量绝缘电阻法、航测法和地面初判法。
Calculation of the High Voltage Nanosecond Pulse Discharge Parameters with the Spark Resistance 用火花电阻计算高压毫微秒脉冲放电参量
With the introduction of high voltage spark treatment, the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, and electrical insulation of the metals and their alloys can be effectively increased. 通过高压下的火花放电处理,金属的耐磨性、耐蚀性、机械强度以及电绝缘性都得到了很大的提高。
The impact of spark plug resistance and Faraday shielding in the ignition coil to the conducted EMI are respectively discussed. 分别讨论了火花塞电阻以及点火线圈法拉第屏蔽对点火功能与传导电磁干扰的影响。
DSC sintering and spark plasma sintering were obtained with ultra-fine nanocrystalline grain structure, this fine grain structure with high temperature oxidation resistance. DSC烧结及放电等离子烧结都获得了含有纳米晶的超细晶组织,这种细晶组织具有很高的抗高温氧化性。
Because soil spark discharge would obviously reduce the impulse grounding resistance of grounding electrode and the overvoltage of electrical equipment. 因为土壤火花放电会明显降低接地极的冲击接地电阻以及电气设备上承受的过电压。
Equivalent Peterson circuit explained the trigger current have much to do with the second stage of breakdown of gas switch, because spark resistance will have a rapid decline. 等效Peterson电路说明了气体开关击穿的第二阶段与触发电流有很大关系,因为开关间隙导通后火花电阻会快速下降。
The spark resistance before switching nonlinear use fixed resistor or a variable resistor discharge simulation in place of the actual discharge process, there is a big error, presents a simulation method based on Pspice. 针对以往开关放电模拟中使用固定电阻或线性可变电阻代替实际放电过程中非线性的火花电阻,存在较大误差的情况,提出一种基于Pspice的模拟方法。
Radius is inversely proportional to spark resistance, so smaller spark resistance is propitious to the formation of discharging current. 火花电阻与火花半径成反比,说明较小的火花电阻有利于主放电的进行。